Have you previously worked for the Department in the past? *
The role which you undertook
Former family name if this has changed
The year you were last employed *
Please enter your employee number (if known)
Are you a relief employee? *
School/Section *
Date Commenced Work *
Type of Position *
SBM/Manager Name *
Relief Type *
Classification (if applicable)
Start Date *
Registration No. *
Expiry Date
Registration Type *
Given Name/s *
Surname *
Date of Birth *
Qualifications (applicable to Teaching only)
Providing evidence of your teaching qualifications and statement/s of service will allow HR Payroll to place you on the correct classification and salary.
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Qualifications (applicable to Allied Health only)
Providing evidence of your allied health qualifications will allow HR Payroll to place you on the correct classification.
Statement of Service (applicable Teaching and Allied Health only)
Statement of service from previous employer/s verifying prior teaching experience
Vocational Competence and Assessment and Training Qualifications (TasTAFE only)
Vaccination Type *
Effective Date *
Exemption Type *
Exemption Date *
Attachment *
Title *
Given Name*
Other Name(s)
Family Name *
Preferred First Name *
Gender *
Email Address *
Confirm Email Address *
Home Address *
Home Address Unit No
Home Address Street Number *
Home Address Street Name *
Home Address Street Type*
Home Address Suburb*
Home Address State *
Home Address Post Code *
Is Postal Different From Home Address? *
Postal Address *
Mobile *
Home Phone
Relationship *
Phone Number *
Home Number
Address *
Have you made any significant (more than five days incapacity) claims for compensation in previous employment in respect of injury or illness? *
Significant Claim Details
This information assists the Department to meet its legal and statistical reporting requirement relating to workplace diversity details – it is strictly confidential.
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? *
Do you identify as having disabilities or conditions which are likely to last or have lasted for two years or more? *
Please specify details *
At work do you use additional special equipment to help overcome your disability? *
Where were you born? *
If born elsewhere please identify your country of birth *
If English is not your first language please identify your first language
Your funds will be distributed to you by the bank details you provide below.
Account Name *
Account Number *
Bank/Building Society/Credit Union Name *
Branch Location *
NB Please attach details of any additional deductions you wish to be made from your salary
MyGov Super and Tax File Declaration
Upload mygov Super and Tax File *
Your superannuation and Tax File Declaration must be completed within MyGov and attached below to ensure that you are taxed appropriately.
Do you wish to make additional superannuation contributions?
Personal after tax superannuation contributionsPlease select % or $ of your salary
Pre-tax salary sacrifice superannuation contributionsPlease select % or $ of your salary
Please ensure you read the Personal Information Protection Statement and check the following checkbox.
As the SBM/Manager of this Employee, please click either Approve, Rework or Reject below to process this request.
Additional Comments